Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Unity Project: Comparison to Another.

A major part of my project is movement. When pushed or pulled by the skewers, it can be slanted four different ways, and move back and forth, like the contents of a pop-up book. The folded papers, like an accordion, are folded in a way that if they were pushed together, they would fit like puzzle pieces. Negative space is also a significant concept in my project. The space in between the layers is the space that creates unity, as well as the perpendicular crosses that my skewers make. My skewers are poked carefully through the bristol board to give my model structure. IN order to make them perfectly straight, I drew a grid on each row of cards and then measured out where I planned on putting the holes.

I'm going to compare my project to Cat Maynard's. Like mine, her project moves. If you lift up the excluded skewer, the top part of her project rotates and fits, like a puzzle piece, into the bottom of the project. Her board is layered, like mine, to create significant negative space. Also, looking at her final project, I saw that she created a grid to make her holes, as did I. In order to make my skewers straight across the layers, the holes had to be perfectly lined up. Her craft is insanely accurate and flawless. i think we made our holes the same way, but I should definitely use her model as an example for my next project in terms of craft.

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