Thursday, September 11, 2008

Place for a Leaf: Final Project

 4 or 5 nights before our final, I got extremely frustrated weaving multiple strips through my leaf, because at this point, my leaf was completely dead and had no strength. The curls kept breaking off and I threw a couple across the room. It was obviously not meant to be. I still wanted to weave though, and somehow "cradle" the shape of the leaf. However, I had no paper that would bend that way.

I decided to weave black pieces through the leaf, as well as through the paper, and originally when the paper curled I thought it would curl around the leaf, but then when I made it, I saw how it resembled the curls in the multiple leaves. The gold was meant to give my leaf energy, and bring light to reflect off the leaves, and then used the black strips to stand out through the leaves, while still being subtle enough to not take away from it.

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